Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I brought you a GIF

.... get it

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thesis Update Sept 24th.

So much new work to post so little time. My plate is full this year. I am already pulling late nights. Senior thesis, Running a new club at school, Building a portfilio and Getting a job. I believe this is what adults refer to as responsibility. I will try to survive it. The trailer for my senior piece was done in TVP. I quickly found out that there are no tutorials for TVP you either sink or swim. Once again I am learning a new program on my own (this is becoming a pattern) while I make my film. No complaints here learning is fun and challenging, it's a good thing. I have changed my idea yet again for my piece ever so slightly but I think I am heading towards a winner. The film is about a girl named Atelamise searching for someone she lost.  She is chasing a memory to the very end. This piece is in the deep now.

"The measure of the value of a character's desire is in direct proportion to the risk he's willing to take to achieve it; the greater the value, the greater the risk." 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

That New New

I did some character designs for this next piece. 
Meet Atelamise 


Turning 21, seeing Fall Out Boy live and meeting MadTV's Bobbie Lee all in one week!! WHA??!!  Great way to start the school year. I feel great about this piece. Getting this thesis together is alot different then last year. I know what I am doing a little more now so it feels easier. Summer is definitely over, there is alot to do I have to making a schedule, start testing and getting my animatic approved etc.  I am feeling ok with the chaos so far. I found a old sketch book from last year. I thought it would be cool to look at a difference a year can make so I am posting it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


senior thesis animatic from Tracey Elle on Vimeo.

This is the beginning of the next 365 creative days of my life